a few details about my world!
I'm the kind of person who sewed my own law-law land skirt.
I'm ALSO the person who helps creatives and influencers become more confident business owners. With a background in PR, marketing, and law, I help modern creative businesses navigate the digital landscape without losing their minds or sense of humor.
I help clients protect their brand and business boundaries with entity formation, strategy, solid contracts, and smart intellectual property tools. I help clients protect and grow their physical and digital offerings, diversify their revenue streams, and protect boundaries with co-founders, partners, collaborators, and vendors.
I love to stay up past my bedtime reading YA fantasy fiction, ski with my family of six, and hide sour patch kids from my kids. I'm based in my gorgeous hometown of Coeur d'alene, Idaho but get to work with talented creatives all over the United States.
loves sushi
Can't whistle to save her life
Vintage fan (of the clothes, not the misogyny)
Loud Talker
Attorney for
Creators & Entrepreneurs