
Episode 17: 6 Must-Haves for a Solid Influencer Marketing Agreement

Transcript from Law and Wit Episode 17. – Brittany Ratelle.

B.Ratelle:                               00:00                       This is episode 17, six, must-haves for a solid influencer marketing agreement. Welcome to law and which creative counsel for entrepreneurs. I’m your host, Brittany, retell mother or for entrepreneur and nap time lawyer and attorney for creative entrepreneurs. I’m here to share inspiration and actions that you can tackle your business blocks and confidently own your business in every sense of the word. Thank you so much for being here. Hello. Creatives, entrepreneurs, boss Babes. We could. We could have some boss Babe. Guys. I’m not going to be a discriminatory there, but I’m just assuming from A. Well, yeah, I am. Just assuming I’m from, from who I talked to. It seems like the majority of your women, which I’m super excited about, but if I picked up a couple male listeners here, we’re excited to have you too. So stick around. Um, okay. So today we’re talking about influencer marketing.

B.Ratelle:                               00:54                       Okay. Which this stuff is not going anywhere. So it’s really exciting topic. It’s only becoming a bigger part of a content creation of being able to people to find good goods and services that they trust. Whether you’re a content creator, a blogger, influencer, blogger, or you’re on the other side, maybe you’re a small business owner, maybe you have a product or a service and you want to use influence or marketing. Get your stuff out there. This was reminder. Everything we talk about today is just for educational purposes only. While I am an attorney, a licensed here in Utah, our fair state of Utah. I’m not your attorney unless you want me to be, in which case hop on over to Brittany retail.com and please sign up for one of my 20 minute free legal chat times and then we can talk about your business and then you can decide if you want to hire me to be your official counsel, your attorney.

B.Ratelle:                               01:43                       And then we talk about pricing and engagement in form and all of that good stuff. So, but until I needed that business is happening, um, I’m not your attorney, so police don’t count on me that I’m, I’m just here to help you out. Okay? And give you some talking points, some starting points for you to look more into what you need for your business to get your head wrapped around this. Okay. So let’s jump into this. Okay. Um, so today we have six tips on what you want to have in your contract. You’re basically the things that you want to think about when you’re crafting some sort of influencer marketing campaign. And I’m going to talk about this from both sides of the, of the little dichotomy relationship here, both the brand side and the blogger side, um, and influence her side and you kind of decide obviously where you fall and where you’d want to maybe press negotiate.

B.Ratelle:                               02:29                       But the, in these important terms are the same for both parties, which is why they need to be here. Um, and you know, it’s really researching influencer marketing and why it’s so important and why I really thought I needed to talk about it today. Um, I came across this really great study, which I’m going to link to in the show notes that was put out by a firm that talked about that I’m more than, um, you know, the 40 percent of people, 40 percent of firms that were surveyed, plan on increasing their marketing budget for next year for influencer marketing. Forty percent. And I honestly, I think that sounds a little low considering who I talked to in the people I’ve come across and their field who say that they only are planning on increasing their budgets, their time, their energy in this field. Um, some people who are completely relying on influencer marketing, that’s all they do to get.

B.Ratelle:                               03:18                       They don’t really do much in traditional advertising. Um, I think maybe that’s putting your eggs a little bit in one basket. I’d maybe still, maybe you want to develop some other channels, but I understand how, uh, you know, depending on what you sell and how you sell it in the brand and the story behind that, why influencer marketing can be so important. So, um, and when people are talking about influencer marketing programs, most marketers site engagement as the number one thing that they’re looking for, 90 percent of them, I’m in this study that I, that I read, um, the clicks were at 59 percent in conversions were at 54 percent as the other top performance indicators. And this is kind of the first thing I want to talk to before we get into an illegal tips is just when you are opening up the store, whether you’ve done some influencer marketing or you haven’t and you want to do more, um, I just encourage you to be, you know, be professional and scientists like in approaching this problem.

B.Ratelle:                               04:07                       I’m looking at this as, you know, do your research beforehand. What do you want out of an influencer marketing campaign? What are you looking to get? It’s hard to know if you’re successful at something if you don’t know what success looks like for your business. So is that engagement? Do you just want people talking and chatting and commenting and sharing? Do you want clicks? You want people to find out about your story, about your website? Do you want them to go to somewhere else rather than whether initially engaging or viewing content or do you want conversions? Is it all about, you know, that chapter for you? Do you want to make sure that we’re actually closing the sale cycle here and getting someone all the way to adding something to their cart and making a purchase? If you don’t know what those goals are for you or what that looks like, then take some time to figure that out because that is really going to influence what you are looking for in terms of your strategy and you’ll know what success looks like and it’ll make it a lot easier as you’re crafting and working with someone else as a partner here that what they need to be doing and what success looks like for them.

B.Ratelle:                               05:09                       Be Curious, be a scientist to like it and think about, um, do some research beforehand so that you can do some good metrics and analysis after a campaign to know if it’s successful in your, in your book. Okay. Um, and think about what kind of influence you’ve even, you want to use, you want to use celebrity, do you want to use top tier? These are kind of more of just the, what people typically think of when they hear the word influencer, someone who has a larger following, um, who, you know, they say, Hey, I love this product and it sells out immediately. Um, or do you want to maybe use and use kind of your budget and spread that out to a bunch of micro influencers. Some people have found that they, like, I’m doing that because they reach into different markets. Um, some people trust micro influencers better because they typically don’t see them as quote unquote selling out and they know that maybe they’re a little bit more or selective in what brands they work with.

B.Ratelle:                               05:59                       Um, and so that when they do partner on a campaign and create content, um, it’s just a little bit more meaningful, organic, it seems more of a natural fit to their voice into what they’re already doing. So, um, so yeah, just all kind of things to think about. Um, you know, and if you come across an influencer who, um, and you want to work with someone and they don’t fit with your brand or your imaging or the language that you’re using, they’re the values that you have. Okay? Then it’s not a good fit. Okay? Move on. You know, don’t, don’t try to force a square peg into a round hole. Okay? So I’m just a microlevel thoughts as I’ve read a bunch of these contracts and seeing a cup of, you know, a lot of campaigns go down and talk to people who are in this industry.

B.Ratelle:                               06:36                       A lot of them were clients on both sides of the coin. Again, I’m just some little tidbits from medium. Okay. Um, so let’s jump into our six tips for a better contract when you’re dealing with influencer marketing. The first is make sure you have very clear payment. This seems a little obvious. I know, but you know, we don’t like to make assumptions and certainly no one likes to make assumptions about their money and where it’s coming from and where it’s going. Okay? So you should have spelled out in your contract, how much money is being exchanged, when will this money come? Does someone need to invoice for this money or is this money gonna come by? Magic Unicorn, Chet or hogwarts style, you know, delivered by an owl to your business address. Um, do they have your business address? If it’s kind of a larger company that does, you know, in accounts payable and that’s how, you know, they do net 30 terms, meaning they’re not going to pay you for 30 days after they receive an invoice.

B.Ratelle:                               07:30                       Will they need to have that invoice? And Anita have a real business address on it. Okay? Not everyone is on the pain by paypal square stripe train yet, okay. Larger companies, larger brands that you work with, or a little, usually a little bit more conservative and traditional in their payment, um, and the way they handle their bills. So just know that and don’t think that they’re trying to stiff you, but just know that that’s how they’re planning on paying you. If you haven’t seen your money yet. So, um, next thing is termination. This is the kill switch. So who can terminate this contract and when can both parties terminated the brand and the influencer or just one of them, and if they, someone does want to terminate and call this quits. If they want to have a business breakup, then how many days notice do they have to give the other party?

B.Ratelle:                               08:12                       And it’s usually put in days. So is it seven days? Is it 14 days? Is it 30 days? Um, a lot of this will depend on just kind of the cloud that you have. Obviously the more time the, um, the better it is for you to prepare on either side of that, but some people might want more wiggle rep. so that’s something, again, you can negotiate back and forth with. And I’ll put this in with all of these terms. Um, my overarching theme is pleased. Do not be afraid to negotiate on these. Okay. When one of these crosses your desk, one of these contracts on whatever side you’re on of this arrangement, um, don’t feel like you have to sign right away and that your being pushy or unreasonable or um, you know, that you’re going to kill the deal simply, you know, doing, turning on your track changes and redlining insane.

B.Ratelle:                               08:59                       Actually, instead of 14 days, I’d like to have 30 days because my editorial calendar, I planned really far out and I have to book, you know, a stylist and I have to book hair and makeup and my assistance and you know, maybe you have a whole team that’s helping you then you need, you need more time and you can’t have people cutting you off and canceling last minute or you’re going to be out many. So you’re the one who has control over that knowledge. So you should be the one managing the risk. Okay? And it doesn’t make you a diva and makes you a sound business woman. Okay. So, um, don’t be afraid to push back. It’s very rare that I hear of people who are negotiating these contracts where the deals just completely fall through and don’t happen at all. Um, I think people are afraid of that and certainly it’s a possibility.

B.Ratelle:                               09:40                       I’m not going to tell you that it can’t happen. I don’t want to lie to you. Never lie to you. Um, but it’s remote. Okay. It’s super remote. Am what’s more, much more common, but it shouldn’t be, is that you just sign it. Someone just signs it and then what’s worst of all is they don’t even realize what they’re signing and then there’s a problem later on or they realize, shoot, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t gonna be able to work with any other food companies for a couple months or a year or I didn’t realize that I was signing over all the rights to this content and now they can put this campaign and Times Square and I didn’t charge enough money for that. Well, yeah, you should have. You should have spelled that on your contract. So I’m jumping ahead of myself a little bit, but anyway, just as an overall theme, make sure you’re pushing back guys.

B.Ratelle:                               10:21                       Okay? No, what you’re worth nowhere to negotiate and push forward with that. Okay. Um, okay. Moving on from termination is exclusivity. This is a fancy way of saying, can they date other people? Can the brand, um, work with other influences which more likely yes. Um, we’re usually going to see this in terms of a brand wants you as the influencer to only work with them. Okay? If they are talking about how great your trash bags are, they want you to only talk about their, your kind of trash bags. They don’t want you to talk about their competitors, trash bags for a certain set amount of time. Um, and my tip here is that if you are the influencer who someone is asking, I want exclusive rights to you. I want you all to myself, make sure that you’re being very specific and what types of companies or other brands you cannot work with.

B.Ratelle:                               11:11                       Okay? I’m like the trash bag. If you are a makeup blogger and that’s, you know, what you do is your, your beauty blogger and you do and you work with a lot of companies, um, you do not want to lock yourself into that. You can’t work with another beauty company, another makeup company that’s probably going to be a really tough thing for you to pull off with your business model. Maybe you want to limit to that you can’t work with another lash serum company for six months or nine months or something. Okay? That’s a lot more narrow definition. So if that’s not spelled out in the contract in terms of what do you mean by exclusive or noncompete, then that’s something that you need to fill in yourself and add in those words. Okay. Or any other company that sells this product or list the companies even better and that way you, you both know that you’re on the same page and Turk and talking about who you can work with and here are you agreeing not to work with and then how much that costs and maybe if they want some really broad, exclusive exclusivity and that in the contract, then you push back and say, Hey, I saw that you were interested in this.

B.Ratelle:                               12:09                       Um, that’s totally fine, but just so you know, my, my price for that is this just laid out there and then they know, okay, well that’s too much for us. Then we’ll go back down to in terms of not being as exclusive and demanding in the contract. Okay. Again, it’s all on the table guys. It is all on the table. It’s all part of the dance, so don’t be it right of it. Okay guys, I just want to jump in here and give a little pitch about my new template. Sharp. Who’s sponsoring this episode is me. Yay. I’m so glad we have a great working relationship up. My Dude, my new template shop is creative contracts.co, okay. Because you guys are creatives and unique contracts, creative contracts. Okay. And that’s what I’m here to give you. Um, and since you are a special podcast listeners, special snowflake business owners, I will give you a special code that I’m just giving you, my podcast listeners.

B.Ratelle:                               13:01                       Um, it is the code D, t, r, d, t, our delta, Tango Roxy. Okay? And we’ve just talked all about how it’s so important to do that with your businesses. So I’m going to have that little subtle reminder for you. So if you yourself need one of these contracts and like a sponsored content agreement, if you don’t have one, um, and then like to have an agreement that has all of these things that we’re talking about today all dialed in, then hop on over to my shop, download it, buy it, download it. You’ll get a screen flow video guide by me when I walked through all the terms of it. You get highlighted fields where I tell you exactly what you need to do to customize it for your business and the options that you have, um, and then you can reuse it again and again and again.

B.Ratelle:                               13:42                       Okay? So just having pain for this once will probably pay for itself on the next deal you have. If you make sure you don’t have any of these problems that we talk about today. All right? So I’d love for you to support my shop. That’s what will keep me from being able to continue to offer all of this kinds of content and to keep me moving forward. So thanks so much for being part of the show. I’m going to help you check out my site and share it. If you don’t need it, maybe share it with a friend. Might need it. Thanks guys. Next thing we want to talk about is copyright ownership. Okay? This is who owns this beautiful content that you are creating. Okay? These pictures, these videos, um, this audio, whatever it is that you’re doing, tutorials, um, hitlist, like, you know, the sky’s the limit in terms of content, but we want to know who is this belonging to at the end of the day.

B.Ratelle:                               14:29                       So in the contract we should lining it should be outlined. Um, and the usual kind of two schools of thought are that the brand owns it. Basically the brand is paying for it. The brand owns it, the business, um, and they are licensed in it to the influencer to use. Maybe the influence was creating it, but the brand owns it to use on their social media platform for a certain amount of time or I’m under certain terms that this is all part of the campaign. But, um, once that’s done that brand reverts and gets all those rights back and that’s why they can use that and repurpose that. They can put it in a newsletter for their clients and customers. They can turn it into a print campaign. They could put it in a youtube ad or a commercial. Um, and I’m seeing, and I read in the study that brands are wising up to that they need to recycle and repurpose their content more because they really liked the stuff that’s coming out from content creators.

B.Ratelle:                               15:23                       Um, we’re seeing a whole shift that instead of having these giant advertising pr firms and you know, media firms that are creating all the content, people like working more on, um, more decentralized, you know, they like working with a creator who is a beauty blogger who really knows the audience has got a dialed in and which is great. That’s great news if you’re a beauty blogger. Um, but that also means that the brand is used to having control of their media and, and wanting to, and they want it back because they want to be able to use it for other stuff. So that’s one thing that one way that you might see it running contracts. The other on the opposite side of the spectrum is that the influencer owns the content. Okay? Um, and this means that they own it. They created it, they shot the photographs and styled Emma did everything else.

B.Ratelle:                               16:07                       And they are only licensing it to the brand for them to use for a certain amount of time, um, but at the end of that, whatever the campaign looks like, it goes back to them and, and that means that an influencer can archive of posts if they want to or delete it or modify it or repurpose it for something else, which means that if you have this great, you know, photo shoot and you want to use it for a book someday or an Ebook or a course that you’re teaching or something else, um, it means you have the rights to do that. If you don’t own that content, then you do not have those rights to use that content. Okay? It is only in this certain way that spelled out in the contract. So that’s just a couple of things to think about when you’re talking to the back and forth about who owns, um, and you might see this labeled and intellectual property, you might see it copyright ownership or copyright transfer or assignment or license.

B.Ratelle:                               16:56                       Those are all words that are kind of all described. The same thing that we’re talking about, which is a yours, mine and ours. Okay. Who controls this stuff? Um, and remember guys, that without something in writing, whoever automatically whoever creates the content automatically gets the copyright ownership for it. Okay? So if you shot the picture, okay, if you clicked on the shutter, it’s yours, unless you have something in writing otherwise, which is why we have contracts likely so that we can set things up in a more complicated way that gives rights and money and everyone’s happy at the end of the day. That’s what we hope for. Um, but this is a little reminder. If you have not set something like that up, um, then please take a look at your content and your content creation process. Okay? Um, and then in that same vein, um, make sure that you have addressed in your contract about editorial control, does the brand have the right to have final say on, on a post before it goes out?

B.Ratelle:                               17:49                       Or is that the bloggers purview? Or does a brand have a right to make technical changes? Maybe they, you know, there’s a misspelling on the name or a Hashtag or um, you know, something else, it’s like a technical deviation. It needs to be corrected, but in terms of direction, they can’t come back and say, hey, I don’t really like how you shot this in this way or I didn’t like what you said about our stroller. Um, you know, it’s important for you to know that maybe for your voice you need to have full editorial control and you’re going to write what you’re going to write in that needs to be in the contract or um, and likewise, if you’re a brand and you think that that idea terrifies you, that someone can post whatever they want and you’re going to pay for it, then maybe you didn’t want to have some approval.

B.Ratelle:                               18:30                       Right? So I’ve seen it both ways and contracts. Okay. All right. Next is confidentiality. Um, and this is probably one that’s most straightforward. This means keeping things quiet. Guys, this means that everything that’s in this contract, um, needs to be kept confidential. Okay? This is part of a business deal. Be Professional, be quiet about it. Means you don’t go sharing these details in a facebook group. Okay. Or in a rant, I’m on your instagram stories or something. All right? Um, and I see people blowing this all the time and I see them, you know, releasing details about their contracts in groups and blogger groups and stuff. Um, and I’m fairly certain that they are, uh, they, they are going violating their contract term. So make sure you have a clause in there about confidentiality because it’s likely that both of you are kind of got to see behind the curtain a little bit about marketing or pricing, markup sourcing, you know, kind of some of those more business confidential stuff that, um, you’d like to keep private that’s not part of the information that’s readily available to the public.

B.Ratelle:                               19:31                       That’s usually the classic definition of what confidential is. It means that a normal lay person, a normal Schmo Joe Schmoe off the street doesn’t know that information. You have to have some insider track. Okay? So it’s what you’re talking about us on the insider track, makes sure it stays on the insider track. So, and the confidentiality clauses are always stronger when you actually list out what that kind of information is. So if you have a good idea about what it is, what the secret sauce is that you’d be mad about, if it got out, that make sure you include details about that. Okay. Um, last but not least is ftc disclosure is everyone’s favorite governmental agency tasked with keeping people from line all the line line my line line, mic child, I’m the new guys, don’t follow kids are the worst. I, I just, I love that account.

B.Ratelle:                               20:16                       I get such as joy as a parent. My husband and I, we usually exchange our favorite memes that we find from there. Um, but I always love the one about like I’m starving my line line child because it is true. Our children, they lie, they lie openly and wantonly and sometimes so do we as business owners and the FTC is against that. Okay. And the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, which in us here in the US is the body that’s tasked with protecting consumers. Okay. That’s their shtick. That’s their prerogative. And what they want is that what they want, people who are engaging in influencer marketing to be clear and open, um, when they’re doing sponsored any kind of sponsor content and they’re bright line is that if there is a material relationship between a business and an influencer, then that needs to be disclosed. Okay? And it needs to be disclosed with something like Hashtag ad or Hashtag sponsored or you can use the words ad or sponsored.

B.Ratelle:                               21:12                       You don’t have to do a Hashtag or another natural language disclosure that says those same things. Um, but I know most people want it to be brief and I don’t know how you could get any more brief than saying add. Okay? Uh, you know, I challenge you to come up with a more succinct way to say that this is an advertisement than add two words to letters. Um, and it needs to be above the fold or the scroll, which means that if it’s an instagram post and needs to be in those first three lines, okay? So that people are seeing it bright before they even click the read more. Okay? Um, that means if it’s on website post or something else, or a video, it needs to be right at the top. People shouldn’t have to scroll down to the very bottom, to the nether regions, um, by your bio picture and the disabled, the, the comments that no one actually comments on any more because blogging is dead.

B.Ratelle:                               22:00                       Not really, but really? Yeah, you can’t put it down there. Okay. It needs to be part where the juicy part is where the meat is of the story. Okay. Um, and if you’re doing a video or audio than your disclosures should be audible. A verbal disclosure or can be written disclosure at the beginning, like on a title card. Okay. Um, so yeah, I’ve had this question before when I’ve presented this information at conferences. People are like, well, what if you have a story and you’re talking about, you know, how much you love this product. Um, if you’re doing a multi part story and you know, you’re just talking about you love and you go on and on, then I will be putting out on every single picture, every single part 15 minute segment of that story because you know how it is a story. Sometimes you’re, you know, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, a slowdown, tap, tap, tap, or sometimes you know, people don’t have their sound on.

B.Ratelle:                               22:46                       So that’s why I would put a d, I would put an ad on there and I would make sure it’s on every single page. Okay. This stuff is just not worth messing around guys. And do you know why it’s because $16,000, reasons why. Okay. Um, that’s the civil penalty that you can be charged with the FTC by violating their deceptive advertising a recommendation. So, and if you have questions about this, um, if you think, oh, I don’t know if this really applies and what if I’m only getting free product and I can decide if I want to post or not. Um, I would advise going to the FTC guidelines on this. They have a whole set of guidelines where they do like a frequently asked question and they’re actually really good. They’re really in depth and they, uh, actually I think do a good job, especially for a governmental body, which let’s face, it has a pretty low standard in terms of where to get information.

B.Ratelle:                               23:34                       Okay. Um, they actually get it. They get how this business is being run. They get what people are doing and what they’re talking about and how they’re sharing information. And there, I think really trying to make it clear so that people can do the right thing to be ethical, to be honest, to be clear and transparent with their audience. So even though it’s a wild west and this is a new way that we’re marketing and advertising, um, and so we’re all still trying to figure this out. Um, you know, I like to think the overarching theme is, does this pass the grandma test whatever your content is. Okay. Um, and that means that if a, your grandma saw this post or this video, whatever the content is, whatever the sponsored content is, um, would they understand that this was sponsored content or would they think, oh, those pds were so beautiful and right on top of the trash bag.

B.Ratelle:                               24:22                       I mean, you know, you’re doing your best guys to, you got to push those trash bags somehow. You’ve got to get really creative. I only think of that because actually I have known a couple of friends who’ve done partners with trash bag companies and I’ve been actually really impressed by how creative they been in terms of what their content is because, um, you, yeah, let’s face it, that’s not an easy one really to push. So, um, make sure that you have something in your contract about ftc disclosure saying that any content that will be created will comply with the most recent FTC disclosure laws. Um, and if you even want to specify in there that you want ad or sponsored used that language, then I would put that in there. Okay. Um, and again, don’t be shady or false or misleading or deceptive about what products and services do, about what the results are.

B.Ratelle:                               25:09                       I’m especially looking at you people who are in my health and wellness field. Okay. Um, unfortunately there’s kind of a bad rap against people not being honest about, you know, diet pills and serums and weight loss stuff. Um, and you know, essential oils and you just got to be really careful that anything that you’re talking about, um, is typical. The results are typical. Um, it’s something that you could speak about from personal experience. And if you can’t, then I would not say that, you know, um, if, if you can’t make those kinds of claims, if your, they don’t reflect your actual results of your actual experience with the product, it just talking about if you’re the influencer, then please, let’s work on that copy. Again, that’s why we write it. Okay? Don’t put your name on something that doesn’t represent you and that isn’t honest or clear.

B.Ratelle:                               25:57                       That’s a bad idea. Legally. It’s a bad idea ethically, and it’s a bad idea to build confidence with your audience, which at the, you know, at the end of the day, that’s your biggest asset. Okay, so don’t sell that down the river. Okay. Just because someone approached you and sort of waving a big old check in your face. Okay. Um, all right guys. So that’s all the things that I want you to look at the contract. I’m going to refresh you and review that just a little bit in case you missed it and need that. I’m okay. The first was payment. Make sure payment terms or in their termination. That’s our second number is exclusivity. Okay. Who can date? Who and whom? Make sure you’re having a define the relationship, but dtr with the brand and the influencer for his copyright ownership and editorial control. Okay. Let’s make sure who was controlling who and who gets what.

B.Ratelle:                               26:42                       I’m the last one is a confident or the second last one is confidentiality. Okay. Let’s make sure that we’re keeping it secret or keeping it safe. Okay. I always go back to Gandalf, the grey. Okay. When I am not sure about where to go, um, if you guys, if you don’t recognize that reference from fellowship, the ring than, I’m sorry that you didn’t go to college, um, when I did and you didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time watching Lord of the rings movies. Um, and in fact watching the commentary of Lord of the rings movies. So, you know, nerdily there. But yeah. Were you guys surprised? I am an attorney, so I’m in. The last one is FTC disclosures. Okay. Make sure that things are being clear and up and up with the FTC that you’re not gonna have any problems, that you’re not going to pull a Kim Kardashians or lord and Taylor.

B.Ratelle:                               27:27                       Those are some of the more recent cases of Lord and Taylor made the mistake if you miss this, this is, this is the dress gate incident of a couple of years ago. Um, and it was honestly when influencer marketing was just getting going. So I don’t fault Lauren Taylor. They were just trying to, she’ll some asymmetrical peasant style dresses. Um, and they paid, you know, a couple grand to several fashion bloggers and said, you know, we want you to post this, um, we get control over the posts. They had to get approval, you know, the influence had to send it to before they posted it and a lot of bloggers did. And sure enough those dresses sold out. Bada Bing, Bada boom. Um, but none of them disclose that they were working for Lord and Taylor, that they were getting money to talk about those dresses. Okay. And you know, if it were you and you saw someone talking about a peasant dress that they loved it and it was amazing.

B.Ratelle:                               28:16                       Um, wouldn’t you want to know that someone was making money from it, you know, whether they were an affiliate or whether they had gotten it free, whether they got paid for the dress and gotten the dress for free. I’m just saying if you put, you know, flip the switch and said, put your shoes on the other foot. Um, it’s usually easier for us to understand how and when we should be using influencer marketing in a way to do that that’s authentic, that speaks to your brand and what you’re trying to accomplish. Um, and that goes for both sides, again, of that diet. Okay. Whether you’re the influencer, the content creator, or whether you’re the business who wants to use influencers to make sure that you’re telling your story and your expanding your reach and your impact, um, and the problems and solutions that you are offering to people’s problems.

B.Ratelle:                               28:58                       Okay. Thanks so much for joining me today guys. I’m really appreciate it. As a reminder, if you haven’t left a review for me, I would really appreciate that I’m still, you know, baby podcasts and that allows people to find me, um, and it may make or break when someone does find me in whether they think I’m actually a legit podcast or not. Okay? So the more reviews I get, the better it is. So if you want, if you’ve been enjoying and listening to all this free stuff and it’s felt like it’s helped your business or helped a friend, um, I’d love it if you’d leave a review. Okay. Um, I’m going to read one from a doll face, um, salary who says, I’ve listened to a few of these episodes and the one about the Gdpr has been the most simple gdpr compliance guide I’ve heard.

B.Ratelle:                               29:40                       Oh, thank you. That’s episode 15 by the way. So if you don’t know anything about the GDPR yet and you don’t have a privacy policy girl, please go get yourself a privacy policy and listened to that episode. Um, she said I specifically came to this podcast looking for information on this and I’m glad to say I finally understand what steps need to take for my small online business. Thank you. So, um, thanks so much guys for, for leaving those. I really appreciate it. So, um, and also to let you know as a reminder that um, my contract template shop is live. Um, I have, I think five, five contracts. Step five templates up so far and one of them is an influencer sponsored agreement. So if you are in the position where either you’re a blogger or an influencer or you’re a brand and you want to do a campaign like this and you were looking for a contract that does all of these things that I’ve talked about, well you are in the right place because if you go to creative contracts.co, okay, just like it sounds, creative contracts Dot Co. That’s where my template shop.

B.Ratelle:                               30:41                       Is iT simple. Okay. I have chosen to spend all my time in making sure that these contracts are super easy to understand that they have, you know, idiot proof highlighting. So you can, you can switch through and see what do you need to change, what needs to stay the same. Um, I also have screenflows okay. And the larger templates, I have a video screen flows where I walk you through exactly what you need to change or not changing the contract things to watch out for all the tips and tricks that you would need to implement this into your business so you can feel confident. So take a look at my template shop if you are in the need of having some of those for your business. Okay. I want to make this easy, understandable, um, and affordable so that you can get the legal tips that you need so you can confidently move forward with your business. All right. Thanks so much for tuning in guys, and have a great day.