

Copyright, Trademark, and Intellectual Property Tools Every Business Needs    Hi, I’m Brittany Ratelle, attorney for online business owners. Here we make legal fun because your business is worth having it DONE. And today we’re going to be talking about intellectual property and brand protection, because believe it or not, just about everyone you know, […]

The Four Tools You Need to Protect Your Brand

The 4 Tools You Need to Protect Your Brand
What to do when people steal your stuff


Mad about copy-cats, rip-offs and digital thieves? Get some clarity and a step-by-step action guide for handling creative theft. Creative Counsel Episode 11 In this episode, you will learn about What is “copying” and what is just “inspired by” How to shift your mindset so that copying affects you LESS The 6-step plan to addressing […]

Law and Wit Episode 11: What to do when people copy your stuff