

How does the GDPR apply to an US-based business operating online? Find out in this no-nonsense 5-step guide to getting your online activities compliant before the May 25th deadline. Learn why the GDPR matters to you, even if you are a US-based business and how to avoid paying some of the hefty fines involved with […]

Law and Wit Episode 15: GDPR for Online Entrepreneurs – 5 Step Guide

GDPR for online entrepreneurs - 5 step guide from Law and Wit podcast


Want to know how what a kill fee is? Or how you protect your right to display creative work in your portfolio? This episode explains the ten most important contract terms that you can’t afford NOT to know, no matter what you do as a creative small business owner or indie entrepreneur.   Trade those shrugs […]

Law and Wit Ep. 13: Ten must-know contract terms for creatives